- 1. Click first icon on the left(create new machine).
Choose source of instalation media and type name of new virtual machine.
- Click next
- 2.Choose iso image(in my case) or DVD-ROM,next choose sytem type(Linux) and version(Debian Squeeze)
- Click next
- 3. Set maximum RAM and number of CPU you want to assign to new guest system.
- Click next
- Â 4.Storage
- Choose place where to sotre physical file for guest system(do not use host system hard disk)
- Click browse
- Choose storage pools and click new volume
- Assign max place on HD for this virtual machine(in my case 40GB)
- Assing current place on HD for virtual machine(in my case also 40GB)
if you assign max and current value the same you are sure you have this space for you and installation proces will be faster however on the other hand you blocked space for other machine which maybe need it…all depends on your needs.
- Click finish and wait until KVM finishes creating image.
Choose our volume
- Click next
- 5.Configuration
- Choose network to:specify shared device name like me or use NAT(depends on your needs)
- In field “Bridge name” type already prepared interface(mine is ftp-server)
- Choose mac,virtualization type(kvm or qemu) and architecture(x86_64 or i686)
- Fill in checkbox to configure guest machine before installation
- Click Finish
- Go to “Boot Options” and fill checkbox to start this virtual machine after host reload(KMV)
- Please configure you guest system based on your requirements,e.g. for server keeping sound is not necessary,etc.
- Apply changes
- 6.Install system
dzbanek 2012-10-25